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Leader archetypes
Who is a leader?
Who is a GOOD leader?
With the help of research results from Kurt Lewin, we will become acquainted with the archetypes of leadership styles.
Get a helicopter view of leadership and get to know your style as a leader.
Look at leadership from a different perspective!
3 hours long training
Group lessons from 4 participants
€ 180, - excl. 21% VAT per person
Do you want to know more?
Send a message to
for further details.

Responsibility of the leader
What positive impact does a good leader have and what negative impact can a less prepared leader make?
How can you create a safe and pleasant atmosphere for your team?
What makes people happy or stressful? What can you do about it?
Boost your team with the help of this training!
3 hours long training
Group lessons from 4 participants
€ 180, - excl. 21% VAT per person
Do you want to know more?
Send a message to
for further details.

Build and/or improve your team
How can you motivate the team? What tools do you have to inspire them in the best possible way?
Learn different techniques and strategies to set your people in motion.
Without DISC and Motives 2.5 hours of training for € 150, - excl. VAT per person
Option A:
DISC or Motivation profile + 2 hours of analysis and explanation of the theory
+ € 185, - excl. 21% VAT per person
Option B:
Combination of DISC and Drives
+3 hours of analysis and explanation of the theory
+ € 225, - excl. 21% VAT per person
Do you want to know more?
Send a message to
for further details.
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