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HOW: can you provide the maximum as a Sales Professional?

Updated: Apr 18, 2023

Sales is creating value. Practicing this is already influenced by your preparation. If you feel insecure, it doesn’t matter how good your argument is or which techniques you use, it can’t be as effective as it could be. Your mental condition is fundamental.

It is essential how you prepare yourself mentally for a workday, that morning, or even the night before. Let’s say that your mental and spiritual state is step zero. At this magical zero point, even if you don’t think you’ve started selling, many things are already decided.

But what is it all about? What needs to be okay?

1. Self-esteem

Self-esteem includes self-confidence, respect, self-recognition, self-belief, and self-love. It is important that you are aware of your values and feel able and capable for the task. For your client (and general for your environment) it is visible how you feel. The way you feel leaves a mark on your body language, posture, tone of voice, and vocabulary as well. 75% of the communication takes place with non-verbal cues, and the first impression is created after only 5 seconds - so it's no wonder that your stance and appearance can be decisive.

Respect yourself and the client as well. Treat the other as an equal partner during the conversation.

You can build your self-esteem by, for example, remembering a few of your past successes in any area of your life. What are you really proud of?

If you do question your abilities, stay objective: think about your goal, such as achieving a coveted monthly performance or breaking records. If you believe it is reachable, you have already won a case and make sure that you see your goal as a GOAL. A purpose needs to be achieved, so there is a path to it. You don't have to be ready today. The point is to keep moving forward. If you’re dealing with an important client, don’t be scared. The customer is also just a human! Stay yourself, don’t try to convey an idealised “sales tiger” image. Being your true self is the best way to be authentic and effective. Whatever the outcome of the conversation, you will definitely win something! Either the business right away, or the experience - you’ll already know what to expect the next time you meet a similar partner.

If you are aware of your values, rejection will also bear less. Never take rejections personally. Before you start the next negotiation, it is important that you let go of the experience of failure. If you continue to work in frustration, you already have a disadvantage at the next client. Give the opportunity for all your customers to benefit from the maximum experience you can provide!

2. Enthusiasm

It’s not necessarily about to grin like a Cheshire cat. The important thing is that you can pass on the faith in your product and give the true impression that you are happy to promote it.

Do you believe in your product or service? List 5 reasons why YOU would like to use / buy it too!

It is well known that people are more likely to sympathise with smiling, happy people who are also seen as being more attractive, but you must have depth and content behind that smile! If you can be sincerely enthusiastic about your product, it’s much easier to arouse others' interest too!

Also, if you do your work with pleasure, you will immediately set the tone for the conversation! Remember: As a professional, you represent your product / service, your team and your whole company!

3. Results orientation

Why do you work today / tomorrow? What is the goal? If you know where you want to go, what you want to achieve, all your actions will take you in that direction. See the goal clearly, you can draw strength and momentum from it and you are less likely to waste your time.

Prioritising correctly and focusing on your goal also makes it easier to get over rejections.

4. Positive attitude

Always stay optimistic. Don’t rely on negative assumptions and don’t waste your energy on negative thoughts! You can't jump a gap in two small steps either. If you’re pessimistic or cautious, ask yourself why? Don't you believe in yourself? Don't you feel the goal is achievable? Or do you feel like your time frame/deadline is too short? Remedy the problems and do not stall/postpone them in any way, because you will make your job impossible or at least way more difficult until those fears are solved! All doubts and uncertainties are immediately visible and audible!

If you are insecure how could you expect your clients to be confident about their decision?

5. Appearance

A commanding exterior and your company required dress-code are the minimum. You are a professional who represents a whole organisation and furthermore a proper appearance already unconsciously boosts you with confidence. Have fun in your skin! Also pay attention to small details such as whether your shoes are clean or your nails are well-groomed. Excessive use of perfume and cologne can be disturbing during a personal meeting.

Remember: the customer is a mirror. Often people complain about customers: why are they so dismissive while we as a salesperson go there tense and full of uncertainty.

So in summary: believe in yourself, proudly represent your company, give respect to yourself and your client. Every day is useful and good investment regardless of the tangible results, as long as you give your best! Dare to make mistakes and experience. Stay positive and optimistic, there is always a next opportunity!



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